My Last Day
I finally came to terms with my early departure from work that took place on Sunday. I guess I was never really going to be emotionally ready and yes, it has had a knock on effect to my plans for the rest of the summer but in the grand scheme of things, it was time to move on somewhat. I say somewhat because it's been about 3 days and i've already e-mailed the hospital agency to get the forms in order to work as an external HCA. I can't seem to stay away! For one thing, it's a good safety net: I'll at least be able to consider taking some shifts up in September or around christmas time as and when I get strapped for cash. The only reason I wouldn't like to continue working as a HCA during the holidays is because I feel uneasy about working on another ward. I've seen how shit the agency staff can be treated - and whilst I know I'm at least a half decent HCA, I wouldn't want to put myself through that. So as a half-hearted compromise, i'll on...