Got to make 'em count

All too often I sit back and think about how I've gotten to where I am right now, this moment, in this day. We are in May. May. The end of Spring and the start of Summer.

Previously I've always associated May with so-little-time-to-my-birthday, the half-term break which means only 1 last half-term till we break up for summer, lunch-times spent lying in the middle of our school field with my girlfriends bored out of our brains, sitting in the sixth-form block discussing how disgusting the boys are in our school.  I used to love the summer term, how relaxed it used to be, the wind down for the end of the year where neither students or teachers were taking it quite so seriously. Then GCSE's and A-levels came around and whilst I still cherished it and was infinitely excited, it was also tinged with that quiet trepidation about our exams and later, the results. I would long for the summer where I didn't have to deal with school drama or cram for revision.

In stark contrast, this year it's all about counting down the days till September. On one hand the summer can't go quick enough and on the other, I wish things would slow right down. I'm aware this is the only summer i'll have without being stuck in between semesters before I'm a proper adult. At the same time, I'm a born learner. I want to get to September to feel like I'm finally beginning the next chapter of my life and no longer stuck in the gap-year-limbo.

Either way, I need to make these next few months count. I want to go abroad - I keep planning it, thinking about it and then getting sidetracked with realities of daily life like work and sleeping. I want to learn how to cook because there is a high chance I will resort to eating shit because it tastes so good for the whole of my uni life. I want to get ripped (ok this is quite ambitious considering even though I pay a monthly subscription to the gym, I don't actually go). I want to read 6 life-changing books. I want to understand how an earth british politics works. Got to make 'em count.
