The Choices

So the UKCAT debacle goes on. There I was, so pleased with my 700+ score...last year I would have been in the top decile - I could go anywhere!

My final choices:
University of Leeds
University of East Anglia
University of Manchester
University of Sheffield

And then....UKCAT released this years decile boundaries I was now barely in the top 25%. Don't get me wrong, this is still waaay better than last year, but still. That's a pretty steep drop and now I'm far less convinced with my choices than I was :S

Originally UoS said that this year, they would give anyone with a score of 2600 equal consideration. Last year I am pretty sure they were inundated with applicants after setting there score at 2400, so in an attempt to slice the number of applicants but still not appear as "UKCAT heavy" they set it at 2600. And now the statistics are saying - 2600 is actually below average. Who knows what UoS will resort to apart from ruthless PS checking??

At UEA, A-levels, GCSE's and UKCAT are all given equal consideration. I should have full points for A-levels and GCSE's. But who knows where I stand with the UKCAT now?

UoM's cut off last year was 662.5. I did think I was safe. And then it turned out 660 is the new average nationally, so the cut off will be significantly above that. I don't think I'll be above the cut off.

At Leeds, again I have full academic points with my achieved grades and I'm hoping my PS will be OK now that I've been working as a HCA but where does my UKCAT leave me?

The UKCAT is shit.
