I HAVE MADE IT THROUGH SEM 3. I HAVE PASSED. I AM THROUGH. I NEVER HAVE TO CRY ABOUT THE BASAL GANGLIA AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Looking back at the OSCE's which were the real source of my heartache feedback this year was welcomingly more detailed! I have left out the average score of the cohort and my percentage in the interests of privacy but i'm pleased the medical school provided us with them. Station 1: Anatomy Predicted: Fail Actual: Fail Station 2: Anatomy Predicted: Fail Actual: Fail Station 3: Opthalmoscopy / Otoscopy Predicted: PASS Boundary: 69.2% My score: PASS Well above average here! In fact the only place in this station I got less than 100% was the use of the ophthalascope because I spent so long faffing around with which one is the right light! Station 4: BP and Pulses Predicted: PASS Boundary: 68.4% My score: PASS Interesting that I was so confident with this at the time but did about averagely...