
Showing posts from February, 2016


I HAVE MADE IT THROUGH SEM 3. I HAVE PASSED. I AM THROUGH. I NEVER HAVE TO CRY ABOUT THE BASAL GANGLIA AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Looking back at the OSCE's which were the real source of my heartache feedback this year was welcomingly more detailed! I have left out the average score of the cohort and my percentage in the interests of privacy but i'm pleased the medical school provided us with them.  Station 1: Anatomy  Predicted: Fail Actual: Fail Station 2: Anatomy Predicted: Fail Actual: Fail Station 3: Opthalmoscopy / Otoscopy Predicted: PASS Boundary: 69.2%  My score:  PASS Well above average here! In fact the only place in this station I got less than 100% was the use of the ophthalascope because I spent so long faffing around with which one is the right light! Station 4: BP and Pulses Predicted: PASS Boundary: 68.4%  My score:  PASS Interesting that I was so confident with this at the time but did about averagely...

End of Exams

So on Thursday we had these new exams being introduced to Year 2 students: "integrated osce's". The idea being that from year 3 onwards we are expected to perform osce's in a "whole picture" way, so communication, examination and knowledge of what's going on would be examined all together. In a way to make it more "realistic" of the real world. Great idea in theory. There were two "integrated" stations this time. 8 minutes each. Buzzer went off at 8 minutes. Let me start by saying my exam time was early morning. Exams were being held from 0845 to 1630. We were going in blind, no idea what the stations would be assessing - there was no official announcement the night before making it even more unfair for the people who had their exams first. Everyone from about 11am however, had plenty  of notice to find out what the OSCE's were on and how to prepare for them.  This was bullshit. So, I'm walking into my building, I real...