My First Block Summary

So, after a few weeks readjusting, the medical school scrambling to rectify the administrative shambles that it was becoming, how was it going? Pretty good. Many people were struggling but I find that's actually because it was for the first time, requiring some of the lazier students to be proactive. Yeah, it will be worth going to that 9am ward round if you want to get to know which patients will have good clinical signs. It will be worth shadowing that doctor for 90 minutes if she observes you doing an examination in the 91st minute. It will be worth slugging it out for a little bit because when someone does need a hand, they will be willing to ask and teach you.

Because of my persistence and willingness to stand around, I had the opportunity to be taught loads. Our firm teaching was mainly of a good standard too. Our firm teaching was essentially my group of 8 students either being provided bedside teaching where the doctor would find a suitable patient with clinical signs that we would take a history from and examine as a group, or we would go over one of the major respiratory conditions in a teaching room. Both were fine.

Some of my most invaluable teaching was of that on ABG's and how to read an XR. Both of these things had originally just flown straight over my head in pre-clinical years. Boy was it nice to finally be putting things in clinical context and thank christ, I could finally let go of all the million receptors we had been forced to learn.

I became proficient at history taking and examining respiratory patients. It then also became very clear just how unproficient i was at taking any other history and examination. If I come out of this year being able to take a full abdominal, cardio and respiratory examination and history I will be happy. And having knocked one out already, I look forward to focusing on my final too.

Another new thing implemented this year was the scrapping of lectures to attend. Everything was online now. PBL was no longer. Instead on a friday afternoon a case was uploaded online and our lectures were viewable on there. We had various supporting resources and questions that we would have to look at and answer and then on a Friday a larger group of us would come together in a classroom. Here we go through cases presented to us and are supported by other doctors who will go round and work with us.

This is great. Real cases, real life way of working through it, great support, amazing - jf you have done the work.If you haven't gone through the online stuff, watched the online lectures and answered the online questions, it will be useless. You will struggle to know what people are talking about. And there's no way of reliving those sessions, they are not recorded, they are not happening again. So while it is great, i'm sad because I quite often I don't work had enough throughout the week to make them worthwhile *sigh*


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