Year 2 OSCE's
Nightmare. So some bright spark thought as well as introducing two new stations and giving us the vaguest / unclear information about them, they've decided that we should have 8 (both anatomy, all of physiology / pharmacy and communications) on one day and the two new one's on another. Today was the holy-mother-of-god 8 station day. Phys / Pharm Just like last time we had the run down of what the physiology/pharmacy stations would be the night before. I've not refreshed my e-mail so many times in quick succession since I was waiting for track to update. The stations were decent - I was dreading an audiometry station or EMG but neither of those came up. So like last time i'll run through what they were and everything I fucked up on. Station number. Station type: whether I think i've passed or failed (how confident I am that I passed / failed) 1. Otoscope / Ophthalmoscopy: Pass (60/40) So this station was in three parts, had to look inside the ea...